How to install application
Installing application is a very simple process. The main goal was to make a portable application. Therefore the portability of Java applications and Jar archive was used.
Installation package
Get the latest version of Wifi Guard application. You can scan your Wifi network and view information about the connected devices. The application also allows you to browse the database in a web browser.
How to install the app
1. You have to install Java via terminal "sudo apt-get install default-jre"
2. You have to install Arp-Scan via terminal "sudo apt-get install arp-scan"
3. You have to install gksudo via terminal "sudo apt-get install gksu"
4. Download the wifiguard.tar.gz archive to your /home/USER_NAME/Downloads folder.
5. Extract the wifiguard folder in the archive to your /home/USER_NAME folder. In the wifiguard folder will now be a number of sub-folders and files. The path to the wifiguard folder must be /home/USER_NAME/wifiguard.
6. Open File Manager and click on the wifiguard.desktop file inside the wifiguard folder (/home/USER_NAME/wifiguard) to run the program.
Possible solutions to common problems after installation
Program throws the error: "Please install Arp-Scan or set the correct location of Arp-scan"
Solution: (tested on Ubuntu)
1. You have to install Arp-Scan via terminal "sudo apt-get install arp-scan"
2. Then check the Arp-Scan location via "whereis arp-scan" and compare path with the settings in Wifi Guard (settings -> Arp-Scan location)
3. The path to Arp-Scan program is usually "/usr/bin/arp-scan"
Program throws the info message "Arp-Scan did not find data or you cancel the scanning" but you did not cancel scanning.
Solution: (tested on Ubuntu)
1. Most often it is necessary to initialize the settings of Wifi Guard
2. Go to settings -> network device - click and choose one.
3. After that the program show successful message: "Network device is set to ***"
In other cases, please contact me at, I will respond immediately.
Current version suitable for the following Linux distributions: Ubuntu.